Has your doctor recommended wisdom teeth removal for you? Forget the negative stories you’ve heard. Follow these tips for a faster and less painful recovery.
The last set of molars, sometimes called wisdom teeth, are typically the last to erupt. These teeth aren’t necessary for your beautiful smile or jaw functionality. The wisdom tooth can cause you a lot of pain, especially if it doesn’t erupt properly.
That’s why most dentists recommend their removal. Still, there are mixed reactions about this surgery, with some experts citing the benefits of removing wisdom teeth, while others argue that it’s unnecessary.
Extracting your wisdom teeth, especially if impacted, can save you a lot of aches and discomfort in the long run. The wisdom teeth surgery may leave you with some discomfort during recovery. But this short struggle doesn’t compare to living with the effects of impacted wisdom teeth forever.
Proper aftercare will also make the pain more manageable. Here are some tips to hasten your recovery and make the healing process more manageable.
1. Follow Doctor’s Instructions
Wisdom teeth removal surgery takes around two weeks to recover fully (it can be less or more, depending on your situation). Thus, you’ll typically make much of the recovery at home, with some lifestyle recommendations and medications from your specialist.
Follow the recommendations and take all the prescribed medications to the letter. While you may feel better before your last dose, discontinuing medication (especially the antibiotics) might make the bacteria in your mouth resistant to the drugs.
Likewise, your pain may feel a little better a few hours after your wisdom tooth extraction because the anesthesia is still active. However, do take the pain medications as recommended by your dentist, lest you feel a lot of discomfort after the anesthesia wears off.
Also, remember to visit the dentist for checkups and follow-ups as recommended.
2. Be Mindful of What You Eat
Typically, you find it challenging to open your mouth a few days after the wisdom teeth surgery. Be mindful of the types of food you eat during recovery to avoid hurting the injury site.
Also, ensure you always eat something, as painkillers sometimes cause nausea. Soft and liquid diets are the best wisdom teeth recovery food recommendations until you recover.
Among the foods to avoid include:
- Hard foods that need chewing
- Hot foods and beverages
- Sugary foods (like candies)
- Avoid using a straw
- Do not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol
3. Use a Cold Compress
Ice packs are essential tools for your recovery after wisdom teeth removal. If the discomfort or pain aggravates after the oral surgery, press an ice pack to your cheeks to benefit from the soothing and numbing effects.
The cold from ice packs will numb the pain and ease swelling and bruising that often follow a wisdom tooth removal surgery. Place the ice pack on the side of the extracted wisdom teeth for around 15 to 20 minutes. Take it off and rest for about 20 minutes before repeating the process.
Doing this continually for the first 36 to 48 hours after wisdom tooth surgery, alongside the pain medications, will make the recovery process much more manageable.
4. Rest as Much as Possible
Wisdom teeth removal procedure might be a minor surgery. However, you still need to give your body sufficient time to rest and heal faster. Avoid anything that strains your mouth during the recovery time. These could be anything, from chewing to talking loudly.
While you can resume your regular tasks during recovery, ensure you limit any chore that strains your jaws and cheeks. Sleeping and resting will also hasten your recovery and reduce any pain associated with wisdom teeth extraction.
5. Salt Water Rinses
Rinsing your mouth with salt after wisdom tooth removal surgery helps with a speedy recovery, reduces pain, and eliminates the chances of catching infections. However, don’t rinse within the first 24 hours after the surgery, as this may dislodge the blood clot, aggravate bleeding, and slow your healing.
After the first 24 hours, flush your mouth with warm salty water (take a teaspoonful of salt and dissolve in a cup full of warm water) at least four times daily, after every meal. Repeat the procedure until you fully recover.
6. Keep Your Head Elevated
Always keep your head at an elevated angle the first few days after your operation. You can use rests or pillows to raise your head and shoulders above your heart level and as close to a 45-degree angle as possible.
While at it, ensure that you’re comfortable.
Wisdom Teeth Removal Aftercare: Final Thoughts
Ask about wisdom teeth removal, especially from those who have undergone the procedure, and you’ll hear more stories about the recovery than the surgery itself. That’s the first indication that most patients dread the recovery process more than actually undergoing surgery.
Well, it’s no doubt given that you undergo surgery under the influence of anesthesia and later feel the pain and impact after the medicines wear off. However, your recovery doesn’t have to come with severe pain and discomfort. The aftercare tips in this article, plus the painkillers your oral surgeon prescribes, will help you heal faster and with less pain.
Are you ready to undergo wisdom tooth extraction surgery? Lexington Dental is your most trusted Bella Vista hub for skilled, professional, and experienced dentists. Contact us today to inquire about the process, book surgery, or discuss your needs with a specialist.