Digital Smile Design (DSD) in Bella Vista

Get the smile you’ve always wanted

At Lexington Dental we use the latest dental technology. Digital Smile Design (DSD) is an innovative technology that allows us to get an in-depth analysis of your smile. It has interactive features which enable you to get involved in planning your future smile – it specifically designs a smile tailored to you by considering every inch of your face, breadth of smile, symmetry, etc. And one of the best parts is, you can try and change it before you commit to your new permanent smile!

Think of it like architecture for your teeth. You wouldn’t start building a house without plans so why commit to permanent cosmetic treatments without a solid plan? It takes the unknown out of planning.

How Digital Smile Design works

DSD was created with dentists and patients in mind. It allows patients to work side by side with their dentists when planning their future treatment. DSD creates a 3D simulation of your teeth, mouth and jaw. The software actually makes suggestions for treatments that will suit your specific dental and facial structure.

During a DSD appointment, you can expect a comprehensive smile assessment. We’ll work with you to create the ideal outcome and explain everything that’s involved in the process:

  • Take detailed images and videos of your entire facial structure
  • Take accurate measurements of your face, mouth and teeth
  • Analyse the data and produce a 3D simulation of your smile
  • Get accurate suggestions for treatment options on areas of concern
  • See your projected outcome with each different treatment
  • Collaborate with patients to create a customised plan
  • Create a mock-up of your desired smile so you can see what it’s going to look like in real life
  • See a detailed description of all the steps and costs involved

Before and after
Digital Smile Design

Your Digital Smile Design

Here is what to expect when you come in for a Digital Smile Design consultation:

  1. We have a detailed discussion with you regarding your smile goals
  2. We take an intraoral scan (digital moulds) of your teeth to create a working 3D model of your mouth
  3. We create a diagnostic wax up from the measurements taken by DSD: this allows us to see what different cosmetic treatments will look like in real time
  4. We can use temporary materials to create a mock-up of your desired smile. You can take this home to ask the advice of your friends and family before committing to any procedures
  5. We book you in for the treatments you have decided to undergo
Digital Smile Design Bella Vista

Who can benefit from Digital Smile Design?

Basically anyone can benefit from DSD! The revolutionary software allows us to give you the best possible smile enhancement. If you are thinking about a cosmetic procedure such as veneers, it can be normal to feel unsure. With DSD you can see a projected image of what the veneers will look like. It takes the guesswork out of the procedure. Our patients absolutely love Digital Smile Design and so do we.

Are you ready to co-author your smile with Digital Smile Design?

Lexington Dental